Table 2.
Correlation between WBC and BMI and hormonal and biochemical parameters.
Parameter | r = spearman correlation coefficient | p values |
FSH (mIU/ml) | -0,062 | 0,344 |
LH (mIU/ml) | 0,021 | 0,751 |
E2 (pg/ml) | -0,049 | 0,421 |
PRL(ng/ml) | -0,044 | 0,508 |
T (ng/ml) | 0,130 | 0,046∗ |
SHBG (nmol/l) | -0,308 | 0,001∗ |
A (ng/ml) | 0,212 | 0,001∗ |
DHEAS (μmol/l) | 0,178 | 0,006∗ |
TSH (mIU/l) | 0,042 | 0,527 |
fT4 (pmol/l) | -0,006 | 0,922 |
17-OHP (ng/ml) | -0,007 | 0,918 |
Progesterone (pg/ml) | -0,204 | 0,002∗ |
GPO (mg/dl) | -0,062 | 0,345 |
GP1 (mg/dl) | 0,054 | 0,411 |
GP2 (mg/dl) | 0,096 | 0,146 |
INS0 (IU/ml) | 0,221 | 0,001∗ |
INS1 (IU/ml) | 0,194 | 0,003∗ |
INS2 (IU/ml) | 0,220 | 0,001∗ |
BMI (kg/m2) | 0,266 | 0,001∗ |
∗ p < 0, 05: statistically significant.