FIG. 10.
Haldane model. (a) Haldane lattice geometry showing overall honeycomb lattice structure with the addition of next-nearest-neighbor hopping with Aharonov-Bohm tunneling phases ϕAB. The shaded (blue) box marks the two sites comprising a single unit cell. We also show the deformation of the underlying lattice to the brick-wall geometry, used to plot the dispersions with qxa = q · a1 and qya = q · a2. (b) Haldane model phase diagram showing the two topological lobes immersed in a nontopological background. (c) Band structure computed with only nearest-neighbor tunneling [black solid lines in (a), showing the familiar pair of Dirac points from this “brick-wall” lattice. (d) Band structure computed in the topological phase at the marked red square in (b), with ϕAB = π/2 and “tilt” . (e) Band structure at the topological transition, marked by the blue circle in (b), with ϕAB = π/2 and showing the formation of a single Dirac point.