Table 3.
ENDS Choices among Cigarettes Smokers (N = 55,012)
Models | Mixed Logit | Nested Logit | Multinomial Logit |
Parameters | Coefficient (SE) | Coefficient (SE) | Coefficient (SE) |
Cigarettes (ref.) | |||
Vape pen 1: ASC | −2.240*** | −1.29*** | −2.047*** |
(0.507) | (0.383) | (0.387) | |
Vape pen 2: ASC | −2.412*** | −1.408*** | −2.107*** |
(0.578) | (0.387) | (0.59) | |
None of the above: ASC | −5.922*** | −3.77 | −2.473*** |
(0.899) | (1.978) | (0.63) | |
Non-price attribute 1: Less harmful to health than cigarettes (Blank as ref.) | |||
Yes | 0.39* | 0.356*** | 0.652*** |
(0.178) | (0.048) | (0.062) | |
[2.20] | |||
Non-price attribute 2: Effective for helping people quit (Not effective as ref.) | |||
Unknown | 0.444*** | 0.256*** | 0.32*** |
(0.095) | (0.051) | (0.067) | |
[0.082] | |||
Effective | 1.371*** | 0.623*** | 1.077*** |
(0.215) | (0.085) | (0.08) | |
[1.438] | |||
Non-price attribute 3: Flavor (Tobacco as ref.) | |||
Menthol | −0.518*** | −0.172** | −0.262** |
(0.135) | (0.06) | (0.095) | |
[0.008] | |||
Fruit/candy/sweet/other | −0.657*** | −0.006 | −0.008 |
(0.251) | (0.049) | (0.099) | |
[2.273] | |||
Non-price attribute 4: Nicotine Strength | |||
Nicotine Strength | −0.008 | −0.042* | −0.044 |
(0.081) | (0.017) | (0.039) | |
[0.475] | |||
Price attribute | −0.149*** | −0.08*** | −0.078*** |
(0.038) | (0.015) | (0.024) | |
[0.089] | |||
AIC | 27315 | 26674 | 26699 |
BIC | 27627 | 26923 | 27216 |
Log likelihood | −13622 | −13309 | −13292 |
p < .05,
p < .01,
p < .001
ASC = Alternative-specific constant.
Clustered standard errors adjusting for correlations within choices by the same individuals are in parentheses. Likelihood-ratio test for IIA: (2) = 534.36, p < .01. Hausman-McFadden test for IIA: (28) = 88.52, p < .01. Standard deviations of random coefficients are in brackets. For convergence, the mixed logit regressions only controlled for gender, age, education (< high school vs high school or more), income (<$20,000 vs above), race/ethnicity (white vs non-white) and ever used ENDS.