Extended Data Fig. 4. TP53-Knockdown Screen Supplement.
(a) Behavior of non-targeting-control sgRNAs in the screen over time. Data points indicate the median sgRNA count per replicate and error bars the 95% confidence interval. (b) Behavior of TP53- and CDNK1A-targeting sgRNAs. Median values are depicted with 95% Confidence Intervals. There is no appreciable change in TP53 sgRNA representation between LINE-1(+) and luciferase control cells, indicating loss of p53 function due to the shRNA. CDNK1A sgRNAs do not differ between groups as well, suggesting that CDKN1A effects are contingent on p53 function. (c) Examples of essential gene knockouts that deplete from both LINE-1(+) and luciferase(+) cells. Median values are depicted with 95% Confidence Intervals. (d) Knockout of APC provides a growth advantage to LINE-1(+) cells. Median values are depicted with 95% Confidence Intervals. (e) Knockout of the interferon alpha and beta receptor subunit 1 (IFNAR1) but not subunit 2 (IFNAR2) provides a growth advantage in LINE-1(+) cells. Median values are depicted with 95% Confidence Intervals.