Extended Data Fig. 8. Viability assays with LINE-1 mutants.
(a) Tet-On constructs for wildtype and mutant LINE-1 expression. (b) Viability of HEK293T cells after 4 days expressing LINE-1 or a mutant at increasing doxycycline doses. A multivariate ANOVA (Viability ~ ORF2 * doxycycline) was performed in R to calculate p values for ORF2 mutant status and doxycycline dose. Tests of viability differences among ORF2 mutants were further performed using two-sided T tests at the 1000 ng/ml doxycycline dose. N=6 replicates per doxycycline dose. (c) Western blot of ORF1p and ORF2p 24 hours after inducing protein expression with 1000 ng/ml doxycycline.