Performance by male rats injected daily with sesame oil (Sham and GDX) or one of four doses of testosterone propionate during 25 days of testing in an 8-arm radial maze (n = 12/group). All rats in the GDX and testosterone-injected groups were bilaterally castrated, and the Sham group underwent sham castrations. Entry rates and memory errors (mean ± SEM) are divided into 5-day blocks in the left-hand graphs and averaged across blocks in the right-hand graphs. Letters designate groups that differed significantly from each other within blocks (p < 0.05). (A) Arm entry rate increased significantly over the testing blocks (p < 0.0005), but there were no effects of treatment on arm entry rates. (B) Treatment had a significant effect on WMEs (p = 0.017), with the 0.500 mg T group performing the fewest WMEs and the Oil GDX and Sham GDX groups performing the most WMEs. There was no effect of testing block on WMEs. (C) There was no main effect of block or treatment on RMEs, but during the second block of testing (days 6–10) the 1.000 mg T group performed fewer RMEs than the Oil GDX and Sham GDX groups. (D) Treatment had a significant effect on WREs (p = 0.005), with the 0.500 mg T and 1.000 mg T groups performing the fewest WREs and the Oil GDX and Sham GDX groups performing the most WMEs overall. A significant effect of treatment on WREs was also observed during the final block of testing, with differences between groups comparable to the effect of treatment averaged across blocks.