Clu::GFP live-imaging shows robust, dynamic particles in germ cells and surrounding follicle cells. (A) Western blot analysis indicating that all Clu::GFP protein is GFP-tagged in follicles from cluCA06604 females. (B-B″) cluCA06604 female germ cells. Clu particles (white) are plentiful. Yellow arrow indicates example of processive movement. (C-E) A subset of particles move at speeds consistent with directed movement along microtubules. (C) Representative image showing a single still-frame. The black thin box shows the orientation and plane used to make the kymograph (D). (D) An example of directed movement is indicated between the white arrows of the kymograph. (E) Quantification of the average velocity of directed Clu::GFP particle movement. (F) En face optical section of the top of a cluCA06604 follicle showing the surrounding somatic follicle cells. The black circles are the nuclei. (G) Cross section of Clu::GFP follicle. Clu is decreased in the oocyte (dotted line) and does not contain particles. Details of n values and analysis are in the materials and methods. Scale bar: 20 μm in B″ for B-B″, 10 μm in C for C, 5 μm in D for D, 40 μm in F for F, 10 μm in G for G. For E, error bars = SD.