Figure 5: Lovastatin does not alter cisplatin entry to the inner ear; it does induce a heat shock response.
A: Platinum concentrations in whole cochlea samples as well as in microdissected stria vascularis, spiral ganglion, and organ of Corti tissue pieces collected following post-Cycle 3 auditory testing were measured using ICP-MS. Platinum levels were elevated in all tissue sample types in cisplatin-treated mice (red) relative to saline-treated controls (black). Lovastatin (blue, green) did not reduce platinum levels in any of the inner ear tissues. Mean ± SEM, n=3–5 per condition. Statistical analysis consisted of a 2way ANOVA with multiple comparisons. **p<0.01, ****p<0.0001, ns = no significance. B: Lovastatin induced Hmox1 and HSP60 mRNAs in whole cochleas. HSP mRNA levels were measured using qRTPCR. Both 40 and 60 mg/kg lovastatin significantly increased levels of HSP60 and Hmox1 (HSP32) mRNA in the cochlea. Mean ± SD, n=3 biological replicates per condition. Statistical analysis consisted of Multiple t tests. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. Lovastatin protects against cisplatin-induced hearing loss in mice