Figure 6:
Sound-evoked local field potentials (LFPs). Recordings were made in the contralateral (A) IC, (B) MGB and (C) AC at intensities from 60 – 90 dB SPL and frequencies from 1 – 65 kHz. LFP amplitudes in the IC were largely similar between saline and salicylate conditions except around 12 kHz at 60 dB, where the salicylate responses were slightly higher than saline. In the MGB, LFP amplitudes during salicylate treatment were generally larger than saline at the mid-frequencies. In the AC, salicylate LFPs were significantly higher than saline, especially at SPLs > 70 dB and frequencies between 4 – 30 kHz. Statistically significant differences noted in figures by *, **, and ***, which indicate p < 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively (see text for details).