a–c Schematic presentation of magnetization transfer pathway during the 4D iHACANCO d, 4D HACACON e and 4D (HACA)CONCAHA f experiments. Red arrows indicate direct transfer pathway from 1Hα(i) to 15N(i) or 15N(i + 1) whereas green arrows indicate a nested CαC′ZNZ →NZCα transfer in d) known as the intraresidual filter (Permi 2002; Brutscher 2002) or highly selective CαC′ZNZ →Cα transfer in e). Arrows indicate out-and-back type magnetization transfer, whereas one-way arrows represent coherence transfer route which is unidirectional. One-letter codes above the arrows indicate time points in the pulse sequence. d Intraresidual iHACANCO experiment to correlate 1Hα(i), 13Cα(i), 13C′(i) and 15N(i) chemical shifts, e the HACACON experiment, which correlates chemical shifts of 1Hα(i), 13Cα(i), 13C′(i) and 15N(i + 1) resonances. f The (HACA)CONCAHA experiment for correlating 1Hα(i), 13Cα(i), 13C′(i) and 15N(i + 1) resonances. Narrow and wide filled bars on 1H and 15N channels correspond to rectangular 90° and 180° pulses, respectively, applied with phase x unless otherwise stated. All 13C pulses are band-selective shaped pulses, denoted by filled narrow bars (90°) and filled and unfilled half ellipsoids (180°). Unfilled bars are applied on-resonance. The 1H, 15N, 13C′, and 13Cα carrier positions are 4.7 (water), 118 (center of 15N spectral region), 174 ppm (center of 13C′ spectral region), and 56 ppm (center of 13Cα spectral region). The 13C carrier is set initially to the middle of 13C′ region (174 ppm), shifted to 13Cα region (56 ppm) prior to 90° 15N pulse ϕ1 in scheme d). In scheme e) and f), the carrier is initially at 56 ppm and shifted to 174 ppm prior to 90° 13C pulse ϕ2, and shifted back to 56 ppm before 90° 13C pulse ϕ4. The first band-selective 180° 13C pulse, refocusing 13Cα magnetization (56 ppm, denoted with an asterisk) had duration of 788 μs at 800 MHz. Other band-selective 90° and 180° pulses for 13Cα (56 ppm) and 13C′ (174 ppm) were applied with durations of 240.0 μs and 192.0 μs at 800 MHz, respectively. Band-selective 90° and 180° pulses for 13C′/13Cα have the shape of Q5 and Q3 (Emsley and Bodenhausen 1992) and duration of 240.0 μs and 192.0 μs at 800 MHz, respectively. The adiabatic 180° Chirp broadband inversion pulse for inverting 13Cα and 13C′ magnetization in the middle of t1 period had duration of 500 μs at 800 MHz (Böhlen and Bodenhausen 1993). The Waltz-65 sequence (Zhou et al. 2007) with strength of 4.17 kHz was employed to decouple 1H spins. The GARP (Shaka et al. 1985, 1987) with field strength of 4.55 kHz was used to decouple 13C during acquisition. Delay durations: τ = 1/(4JHC) ~ 1.7 ms; τ2 = 3.4 ms (optimized for non-glycine residues) or 2.2–2.6 ms (for observing both glycine and non-glycine residues); ε = duration of GH + field recovery ~ 0.4 ms; 2TC = 1/(2JCαC′) ~ 9.5 ms; TCA = 1/(6JCαC′) ~ 3.3 ms; TA = 1/(4JC′N) ~ 16.6 ms; TC′ = TC + TCC; TCC = 1/(JCαCβ)–1/(4JC′N)–1/(2JCαC′) ~ 0–2.5 ms; TNC ~ 14 ms; TCN ~ 14 ms; TN ~ 14 ms. Maximum t1, t2 and t3 are restrained in scheme d, t2,max < 2.0*TC′, t3,max < 2.0*TCN, in scheme e, t2,max < 4.0*TA, t3,max < 2.0*TCA, in scheme f, t1,max < 2.0*TA, t2,max < 2.0*TNC, t3,max < 2.0*TCN. Frequency discrimination in 15 N and 13C′ dimensions is obtained using the States-TPPI protocol (Marion et al. 1989) applied to ϕ1 and ϕ2, respectively, whereas the quadrature detection in 13Cα dimension is obtained using the sensitivity-enhanced gradient selection (Kay et al. 1992; Schleucher et al. 1994). The echo and antiecho signals in 13Cα dimension are collected separately by inverting the sign of the GC gradient pulse together with the inversion of ψ, respectively. Phase cycling: ϕ1 = x, − x; ϕ2 = 2(x), 2(− x); ϕ3 = 4(x), 4(− x); ϕ4 = x; ψ = x; rec. = x, 2(− x), x, − x, 2(x), − x. Selective 180° pulse for 13Cα in the middle of delay 2TA induces a Bloch-Siegert shift to 13C′ magnetization, a careful adjustment of phase (bsp) of the last 13C′ 90° (phase y) pulse is necessary in scheme d). Gradient strengths and durations: GC = 13 k G/cm (1.6 ms), GH = 13 k G/cm (0.4 ms). The pulse sequences code and parameter file for Bruker Avance system are available from authors upon request