Table 3.
aTreatments | Length (m) | Surface area (cm2) | Volume (cm3) | Diameter (mm) |
T1 | 23.082 d | 2046 e | 14.5 f | 0.29 |
T2 | 50.161 c | 4238 cd | 28.6 cdef | 0.27 |
T3 | 87.751 a | 6792 ab | 42.9 abc | 0.25 |
T4 | 42.875 cd | 3527 cde | 24.8 def | 0.26 |
T5 | 88.484 a | 7554 a | 51.4 ab | 0.27 |
T6 | 56.009 c | 5164 bc | 38.0 abcde | 0.29 |
T7 | 80.638 ab | 6310 ab | 39.5 abcd | 0.25 |
T8 | 93.265 a | 7846 a | 54.0 a | 0.27 |
T9 | 37.233 cd | 3125 de | 22.4 ef | 0.27 |
T10 | 57.705 bc | 5053 bcd | 35.3 bcde | 0.28 |
F-test | ** | ** | ** | ns |
% CV | 22.7 | 22.81 | 27.08 | 8.29 |
**Significant at P ≤ 0.01; ns, non-significant. Data are the means ± SE (n = 3). Different lower-case letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) using Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD). aFor treatments see Materials and Methods.