Fig. 6. ALDOA regulates stemness properties in lung cancer via the Oct4-DUSP4/TRAF4 axis.
a Core analysis was performed based on the selection criteria in the IPA database overlaid with the microarray data from the ALDOA common signature using a 1.5-fold change cut-off. b qRT-PCR results showing the mRNA expression of DUSP4 and TRAF4 with or without overexpression of an exogenous ALDOA-encoding gene in CL1-0 cells. c Representative images of the density and morphology of spheroids in the nonsilenced group and with DUSP4 and TRAF4 knockdown in CL1-0 ALDOA-overexpressing cells. d Quantitative analysis of the spheroid diameters for the nonsilenced group and for those with several downstream targets that were knocked down in CL1-0 ALDOA cells is shown in the panels. e Quantitative analysis of the spheroid numbers per 200 cells for the nonsilenced group and for those with several downstream targets that were knocked down in the CL1-0 ALDOA cells is shown in the panels. In b, GAPDH was used as an internal loading control. The significance of the differences in b and d was analyzed using Student’s t-test.