Figure 2.
Receiver operating characteristic curve. A: Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for the prediction of fibrosis F0-F1 from fibrosis F2-F4 in the modeling group. [area under ROC curves (AUROCs): Model A (0.890) > GlycoCirrhoTest (0.644) > GlycoFibroTest (0.538)]; B: ROC curve for the prediction of fibrosis F0-F2 from fibrosis F3-F4. [AUROCs: Model B (0.752) > GlycoCirrhoTest (0.618) > GlycoFibroTest (0.524)]; C: ROC curve for the prediction of fibrosis F0-F3 from fibrosis F4. [AUROCs: Model C (0.747) > GlycoCirrhoTest (0.607) > GlycoFibroTest (0.571)].