Carotid flow and carotid vascular conductance following Aβ40 or saline infusion, with and without Zibotentan administration. Carotid flow (CF) and carotid vascular conductance (CVC) in Aβ40 (n = 12), Aβ40 + Zibotentan (n = 5), saline (n = 5), and saline + Zibotentan (n = 5) groups. Each data point represents the individual mean value over a period of 5–7 d. Mean and 95% CI lines are shown. A one-way ANOVA was performed to compare mean CF and CVC between groups. Significant variation was found in (a) mean CF (F3,23 = 4.61, p = 0.0114), but post-hoc testing did not reveal significant differences between groups. We also found a significant variation in (b) mean CVC (F3,23 = 5.34, p = 0.0061). Sidak’s post-hoc test showed a significant mean difference (95% CI) of –0.0199 (–0.0376, –0.00218) mL/min/mmHg between the Aβ+zib and saline+zib groups (p = 0.0245). The datasets were grouped to look at the effects of Zibotentan irrespective of infusion (i.e., Aβ/saline+zib versus Aβ/saline). An unpaired t-test revealed (c) significantly higher CF (p = 0.0046) in the Zibotentan-administered animals (mean 7.20 (95% CI 6.29–8.11) mL/min, n = 10), compared to those not given Zibotentan (5.80 (5.27–6.33) mL/min, n = 17). There was also (d) a small, but significant, elevation of CVC (p = 0.0478) in Zibotentan-administered animals (0.0635 (0.0522–0.0750) mL/min/mmHg) compared to those not given the drug (0.0532 (0.0479–0.0584) mL/min/mmHg).