2. Urinary biomarkers for endometriosis.
Angiogenesis/Growth factors and their receptors | |
VEGF‐A (vascular endothelial growth factor ‐ A)1 | |
sFlt‐1 [sVEGFR‐1] (soluble fms‐like tyrosine kinase or variant of VEGF receptor 1)2 | |
Cell adhesion molecules and other matrix‐related proteins | |
MMP‐2 (matrix metalloproteinase‐2)2 | |
MMP‐9 (matrix metalloproteinase‐9)2 | |
MMP‐9/ NGAL (matrix metalloproteinase‐9/neutrophil gelatinase‐associated lipocalin)2 | |
Cytokines | |
TNF‐alpha (tumour necrosis factor alfa)1 | |
Cytoskeleton molecules | |
CK‐19 or CYFRA 21‐1 (Cytokeratin‐19)1 | |
High throughput markers | |
Proteome | |
Oxidative stress markers | |
8‐iso‐PGF2a (8‐iso‐prostaglandin F2a)2 | |
Other Peptides/proteins | |
VDBP (vitamin D binding protein) | |
NNE (enolase I) | |
Collagen precursors | |
Prealbumin2 | |
Alpha 1 antitrypsin2 | |
Chain A solution structure of Bb' domains of human protein disulfide isomerase2 | |
1 Urinary biomarkers that did not exhibit differential expression in endometriosis 2 Urinary biomarkers that exhibited differential expression in endometriosis, but for which the diagnostic estimates were not available |