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. 2015 Dec 23;2015(12):CD012019. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012019
# Query Results
S97 S3 AND S96 1131
S96 S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 OR S42 OR S43 OR S44 OR S45 OR S46 OR S47 OR S48 OR S49 OR S50 OR S51 OR S52 OR S53 OR S54 OR S55 OR S56 OR S57 OR S58 OR S59 OR S60 OR S61 OR S62 OR S63 OR S64 OR S65 OR S66 OR S67 OR S68 OR S69 OR S70 OR S71 OR S72 OR S73 OR S74 OR S75 OR S76 OR S77 OR S78 OR S79 OR S80 OR S81 OR S82 OR S83 OR S84 OR S85 OR S86 OR S87 OR S88 OR S89 OR S90 OR S91 OR S92 OR S93 OR S94 OR S95 341775
S95 TX urinary peptide* 1598
S94 TX (VDBP or vitamin D‐binding protein*) 134
S93 TX cytokeratin‐19 109
S92 TX (Luteinizing Hormone* or LH) 18041
S91 (MH "Diagnosis, Laboratory+") 101773
S90 "Keratin‐19" 2
S89 (MH "Platelet‐Derived Growth Factor") 394
S88 (MH "Epidermal Growth Factors") 1264
S87 (MH "Interleukins") 6584
S86 (MH "Cytokines") 6860
S85 TX Vitamin D‐Binding Protein 131
S84 (MH "Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A") 194
S83 TX (endometri* N2 biops*) 432
S82 TX (endometri* adj2 biops*) 0
S81 TX genomic$ 7487
S80 TX proteomic* 2434
S79 TX microRNA 824
S78 TX microarray 3123
S77 TX (PGP 95 or PGP95 or protein gene product*) 9925
S76 TX (Annexin 1 or Annexin1) 472
S75 TX (ANXA 1 or ANXA1) 41
S74 TX cysteine‐rich heparin‐binding protein* 12
S73 (MH "Protein Array Analysis") 73
S72 TX cyr61 34
S70 TX progesterone receptor* 1927
S69 TX estrogen receptor* 5193
S68 TX Aromatase P450 38
S67 TX Cadherin* 900
S66 TX Selectin* 28411
S65 TX Integrin* 1587
S64 TX cell adhesion molecule* 1578
S63 TX CAMs 550
S62 TX Endometrial marker* 54
S61 TX Fas ligand 338
S60 TX (TNF‐a or tumour necrosis factor* alfa) 1489
S59 TX (MIF or migration inhibitory factor*) 399
S58 TX (MCP‐I or monocyte chemoattractant protein‐I) 13
S57 TX interleukin 13809
S56 TX (Anti‐2HSG or Heremans‐Schmidt glycoprotein) 7
S55 TX Anti‐LDL 9
S54 TX Anti‐transferrin 3
S53 TX Anti‐Thomsen Friedenreich antigen* 1
S52 TX Anti‐thyroid 109
S51 TX Anti‐laminin‐1 15
S50 TX (HLA or human leucocyte antigen*) 4202
S49 (MM "HLA Antigens") 638
S48 TX Antiphospholipid* 1249
S47 TX Anti‐endometrial 34
S46 (MH "Antibodies/BL/DU") 1294
S45 TX Autoantibodies 4385
S43 TX Total complement level 3
S42 TX (T helper* or T supressor*) 2341
S41 TX Immune cells alteration* 24
S40 TX natural killer t‐cells 669
S39 (MM "T Lymphocytes") 2404
S38 TX (sEselectin or soluble E‐selectin) 91
S37 TX (sEcadherin or soluble E‐cadherin) 8
S36 TX sVCAM 100
S35 TX sICAM 173
S34 TX Soluble adhesion molecule 368
S33 TX soluble intercellular adhesion 237
S32 (MM "Cell Adhesion Molecules") 52
S31 TX Osteopontin* 416
S30 TX Follistatin 74
S29 TX serum placental protein* 11
S28 TX (Ca‐19‐9 or Ca19‐9 or cancer antigen 19‐9) 262
S27 TX (Ca‐125 or Ca125 or cancer antigen 125) 831
S26 (MM "Glycoproteins/BL/DU") 224
S25 TX tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 423
S24 TX TIMP* 1845
S23 TX MMP* 4244
S22 TX matrix metalloproteinase* 3325
S21 TX Proteolytic enzyme* 1461
S20 (MM "Progesterone/BL/DU") 51
S19 TX leptin* 3258
S18 (MM "Luteinizing Hormone/BL/DU") 38
S17 TX (VEGF or vascular endothelial growth factor*) 7166
S16 TX (EGFR or epidermal growth factor receptor*) 6188
S15 TX (TGF‐b or transforming growth factor beta or TGFb) 2972
S14 TX (TGF‐a or transforming growth factor alfa or TGFa) 464
S13 TX (IGF‐I or insulin‐like growth factor* or IGF1) 3588
S12 TX (EGF or epidermal growth factor*) 6250
S11 TX (PDGF or platelet derived growth factor*) 3195
S10 TX (FGF or fibroblast growth factor*) 3395
S9 TX hepatocyte growth factor* 880
S8 TX cytokine* 20821
S7 TX scatter factor* 1864
S6 TX growth factor* 76163
S5 TX Laboratory Test* 82732
S4 TX (biomarker* or marker*) 84857
S3 S1 OR S2 2841
S2 TX Endometrio* 2841
S1 (MM "Endometriosis") 889
S4 TX (biomarker* or marker*) 61,794
S3 S1 OR S2 2,174
S2 TX Endometrio* 2,174
S1 (MM "Endometriosis") 1,306