Figure 1.
Differential expression (up- and down-regulation) of annotated genes in the mucosa of the internal genital tract of sows after Mating or artificial deposition of the sperm-peak portion P1 (P1-AI); sperm-free seminal plasma of the whole ejaculate (SP-Ejac) or of pooled P1 (SP-P1). All treatments were compared to Control (AI with 50 mL of BTS). The numbers represent the number of differentially expressed genes (p-value < 0.05). Endocervix (EndoCvx), endometrium (distal: DistEndom or proximal: ProxEndom) and endosalpinx from 4 different segments; the utero-tubal junction (UTJ), isthmus (Isth), ampulla (Amp) and infundibulum (Inf).