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. 2019 Dec 21;35:30. doi: 10.1186/s42826-019-0030-0

Table 1.

Hematological analysis data of STX-0119 treated mice

Parameter Control (n=8) STX-0119 (80mg/kg, n=7) STX-0119 (160mg/kg, n=7)
Mean±SD Mean±SD p-value(T-test) Mean±SD p-value(T-test)
WBC(X10³ cell/μl) 5.59±2.25 4.58±2.5 0.444 2.49±.87 0.005
RBC(X106 cell/μl) 8.29±.82 8.37±.60 0.839 8.32±.48 0.929
HGB(g/dl) 13.51±.69 13.17±.91 0.444 13.01±.68 0.199



45.00±3.40 44.83±3.48 0.927 42.94±1.53 0.170
MCV(fL) 54.47±2.57 53.6±1.89 0.484 51.7±1.34 0.026
MCH(pg) 16.41±1.17 15.77±.63 0.224 15.66±.57 0.149
MCHC(g/dl) 30.13±1.59 29.41±.48 0.277 30.33±1.05 0.786
RDW(%) 14.11±2.73 13.04±1.06 0.352 13.27±.95 0.456
PLT(X10³ cell/μl) 1014.86±239.79 1273.86±191.19 0.045 1116.29±201.41 0.408
MPV(fL) 5.79±0.34 5.94±0.28 0.368 6.19±0.72 0.207
NEUT(%) 26.27±6.18 30.96±6.87 0.205 29.26±5.23 0.349
LYM(%) 65.26±5.65 62.17±6.09 0.345 63.27±4.42 0.478
MONO(%) 0.8±0.24 1.03±0.43 0.243 0.8±0.38 1.000
EOS(%) 1.46±0.42 1.87±1.09 0.366 2.37±0.63 0.008
LUC(%) 6.11±5.58 3.86±2.68 0.354 4.16±5.77 0.531
BASO(%) 0.07±0.08 0.11±0.09 0.354 0.11±0.11 0.403

WBC White Blood Cells, RBC Red Blood Cells, HGB Hemoglobin, HCT Hematocrit, MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume, MCH Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin, MCHC Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration, RDW Red Cell Distribution Width, PLT Platelets, MPV Mean Platelet Volume, NEU Neutrophils (Sometimes labeled GR or Grans.), LYM Lymphocytes, MONO Monocytes, EOS Eosinophils, LUC Large unstained cell (peroxidase negative), BASO Basophils