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. 2020 Mar 18;12:48. doi: 10.1186/s13148-020-00836-2

Table 1.

Clinical features and follow-up of patients with ≤ GG3 and ≥ GG4 prostate cancer

≤ GG3 ≥ GG4 Pvalue
Patients, no. 9 9
Age, median (range) 68 (53–72.4) 65 (60–74) 0.8249a
Gleason Grade Group, no. (%)
 GG2 5 (56%) 0
 GG3 4 (44%) 0
 GG4 0 1 (11%)
 GG5 0 8 (89%)
Clinical features, median (range)
 PSA ng/mL 6.7 (4-11) 7 (4.3–22.6) 0.3072a
 Tumour volume 4 (0.7-7.1) 19.7 (0.7–30.2) 0.0103a
Clinical features, no. (%)
 Pathologic T stage 2 2 (22%) 2 (22%) 1.0b
 Pathologic T stage 3 7 (78%) 7 (78%)
 Positive margins 6 (67%) 3 (33%) 0.6372c
 Extra-prostatic extension 7 (78%) 7 (78%) 1.0c
 Seminal vesicle invasion 3 (33%) 7 (78%) 0.1534c
 Lymph node metastases at diagnosis 0 4 (44%) 0.0824c
Patient follow-upd, no. (%)
 Disease relapsee 2 (25%) 8 (89%) 0.0030e
 Metastasis 1 (13%) 7 (78%) 0.0152c
 Castration-resistant prostate cancer 0 (0%) 3 (33%) 0.2059c
 Death from prostate cancer 0 (0%) 1 (11%) 1.0c

aUnpaired T test with Welch’s correction

bThe Fisher exact test comparing the proportion of patients with T2 versus T3 disease

cThe Fisher exact test comparing the proportion of patients with or without each clinical feature

dFollow-up information was unavailable for one GG ≤ 3 patient, so n = 8

eDisease relapse includes biochemical or clinical recurrence, HR = 6.937 (1.738–27.68), log rank test