Demands (Cyber-security threats) |
Cyberbullying Stranger Danger Online privacy Online content Financial threats Technical threats |
6/14 parents; 6/19 children 6/14 parents; 5/19 children 6/14 parents; 3/19 children 5/14 parents; 3/19 children 7/14 parents; 4/19 children 7/14 parents; 1/19 children |
Resources |
Family, friends and trusted others Technological solutions |
7/14 parents; 8/19 children 5/14 parents; 6/19 children |
Vulnerabilities |
Limitations in knowledge Insecure settings |
6/14 parents 2/14 parents; 4/19 children |
Benefits of using technology |
Connection and Security |
4/14 parents; 4/19 children |
Costs of using technology |
Behavioral changes |
8/14 parents; 2/19 children |
Coping strategies |
Boundaries Battling the boundaries Monitoring Communication |
9/14 parents 6/14 parents 6/14 parents 6/14 parents |
Social, Technological and Psychological Outcomes |
Deferring and avoiding technology A whole new world Same same but different |
4/14 parents 6/14 parents 8/14 parents |