(A) Distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in CEN1. TEs were annotated using a Phytophthora TE library from Repbase [45]. Tracks of different repeat families are color coded. The track “Other TEs” includes all types of TEs beyond Gypsy and Copia. CoLT was composed of three elements annotated in Repbase [45], namely Copia-24_PIT-I, Copia-24_PIT-LTR and Gypsy-P17-PR-I. The profile of CENP-A shown was normalized to input. The mRNA track is shown as log-scales and used to define the boundary of pericentric heterochromatin. (B) Location of CoLT elements across all of the Psojae2019.1 contigs. (C) Diagram showing the domain structure of a representative full-length CoLT sequence (see S3 File). The coding domain featured as Copia superfamily of retrotransposons, which consists of capsid protein (GAG), Gag-pre-integrase (PR), integrase (INT), reverse transcriptase (RT), and RNase H (RH) domains, and diverges from the Gypsy superfamily in the order of the RT and INT domains in their POL genes [86].