(A) FIB currents are aligned and calibrated, and the sample is loaded into the FIB-SEM instrument. (B) A target cell is identified on the grid with the SEM and FIB. (C) To correct for errors in mechanical stage movements, backlash correction of the stage is performed. The resulting stage location is saved in the stage navigator. (D) The stage is randomly moved out of position by the user. Using the saved coordinates in the stage navigator, the stage is autonomously moved back to the target. (E) The accuracy of this autonomous stage movement is determined by the user. If the target is not centered in the FIB image, backlash correction is repeated until accurate targeting is achieved (C–E). (F/F’) Rough milling, polishing and drift correction patterns are placed onto the image. Rough milling and polishing patterns are saved separately to the queue. The procedure (B–F’) is repeated to select additional targets. (G/H) Rough milling and lamellae polishing are executed automatically. (I) The grids with milled lamellae are removed and stored.