Fig. 1.
Compilation of clinical images. A. Wide-angle Zeiss Clarus photograph demonstrating an inferotemporal subretinal amelanotic or partially pigmented choroidal lesion and associated exudative detachment. B. Wide-angle late phase Optos fluorescein angiograph demonstrating intense intrinsic hyperfluorescence of the lesion consistent with leakage. C. Late phase Heidelberg indocyanine green angiography demonstrates low intrinsic ICG fluorescence compared to background choroidal vasculature. D. Wide-field montage Zeiss Clarus autofluorescence demonstrates increased autofluorescence at the nasal and inferior edges of the lesion consistent with orange pigment. E. Posterior segment ultrasound demonstrates a dome-shaped choroidal lesion with low to medium echogenicity and an inferior exudative detachment. F. Superior-inferior oriented optical coherence tomography demonstrates a choroidal lesion with an overlying exudative detachment.