Table 4.
Operative data.
Grade of most senior surgeon present in the operating theatre | Fully qualified neurosurgeon, Neurosurgeon-in-training, Other qualified surgeon, Other surgeon in training, Medically qualified but not in a surgical training programme, Not medically qualified surgical provider |
Grade of most senior anaesthesia provider present in the operating theatre | Fully qualified anaesthetist with medical qualification, Anaesthetist-in-training with medical qualification, Not medically qualified anaesthesia provider, Anaesthetic administered by the surgeon, Other (specify), No anaesthesia provided |
Type of anaesthesia | General, Local, None |
Date / time operation started? | … |
Date / time operation finished? | … |
Were pre-incision prophylactic antibiotics given? | Yes, No |
Class of surgical wound | Clean, Clean-contaminated, Contaminated, Dirty-infected |
Location of surgery | Left, Right, Bilateral, Midline |
What was the main procedure undertaken? | - Exploratory burr holes If selected ‘Exploratory burr holes’, what were the intraoperative findings? Extradural haematoma, Acute subdural haematoma, Chronic subdural haematoma, ICH/contusion, No significant findings If selected ‘Exploratory burr holes’, how did you proceed given the intraoperative findings? No further operative steps, wounds closed, Proceeded to craniotomy, Proceeded to decompressive craniectomy- Supratentorial craniotomy/craniectomy for traumatic mass lesion (Evacuation of supratentorial EDH, Evacuation of supratentorial ASDH, Evacuation of supratentorial traumatic parenchymal haemorrhage) If selected an option under ‘supratentorial craniotomy for mass lesion’, what was done with the bone flap at the end of the procedure? Replaced and fixed, Replaced and left floating/hinged, Removed and placed in abdomen, Removed and stored, Removed and discarded- Infratentorial craniotomy/craniectomy for traumatic mass lesion (Evacuation of posterior fossa EDH, Evacuation of posterior fossa ASDH, Evacuation of posterior fossa traumatic parenchyma haemorrhage)- Operations to decrease intracranial pressure (Decompressive craniectomy to control raised intracranial pressure - no significant haematoma evacuated, Posterior fossa decompression - no significant haematoma evacuated, Cisternostomy)- Other operation for cranial trauma (Elevation of depressed skull fracture/other operation for depressed skull fracture, Surgical debridement of penetrating injuries) If selected ‘Elevation of depressed skull fracture/other operation for depressed skull fracture’ OR ‘Surgical debridement of penetrating injuries’, was there a dural tear? Yes, No If selected ‘Elevation of depressed skull fracture/other operation for depressed skull fracture’ OR ‘Surgical debridement of penetrating injuries’, was there an associated venous sinus injury? Yes, No If selected ‘Elevation of depressed skull fracture/other operation for depressed skull fracture’ OR ‘Surgical debridement of penetrating injuries’, were postoperative prophylactic antibiotics prescribed to prevent infection? Yes, No |
* if > 1 procedure undertaken, select the main one | |
Did the patient have an episode of hypotension (systolic BP < 90 mmHg) at any point during their surgery? * Note that the lower limit of systolic BP differs for children with age, as above. |
Yes, No, Unknown |
Did you have to perform a lobectomy? | Yes, No If yes, what was the anatomical location of the lobectomy? Tick all that apply. Right frontal, Left frontal, Right temporal, Left temporal, Other anatomic region |
Was a duraplasty performed? |
Did the patient have a wound drain placed? | Yes – subdural, Yes – extradural, Yes – subgaleal, No |
Did the patient have an intracranial pressure (ICP) monitor in place for postoperative ICP monitoring? | Yes – intraparenchymal, Yes – ventricular, No |
Further comments regarding the procedure | … |
Intraoperative death | Yes, No |