FIG 1.
Transfer of cecal microbiota between inbred lines 61 and N is not protective against C. jejuni colonization. Chickens were given homologous or heterologous cecal microbiota from 3-week-old donor birds on the day of hatch and infected with 104 CFU of C. jejuni 11168H at 21 days posttransplant. Ten chickens were sampled in each group at 9 days postinfection, and significant differences were identified using a one-way two-sided ANOVA (Minitab, UK). Birds from line N that received microbiota from line 61 had a significantly higher number of cecal C. jejuni than the line N birds that received line N microbiota (P < 0.05). For groups noted on the x axis, the first letter denotes the recipient line and the second letter denotes the donor line. The boxes show the quartile 1-to-quartile 3 range, and the whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum, unless values were more than 1.5 times the interquartile range. Statistical outliers identified by R are plotted as individual solid circles; they were not excluded from the analysis.