Fig. 3. MRI of 54-year-old female with 1.6-cm sized HCC in S7 of liver (not shown).
A. Preoperative MRI revealed 1-cm sized NHHN at S4 on HBP. Enhancement of this lesion was not perceivable on arterial phase (not shown). B. Gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI with diffusion-weighted images performed 18 months after right hemihepatectomy showed that NHHN on HBP had increased in size, measuring 1.9 cm. C. On arterial phase, nodular enhancement within lesion had developed (arrow). D. On diffusion-weighted images, enhancing focus showed high signal intensity (arrow) indicating nodule-in-nodule type HCC. HBP = hepatobiliary phase, NHHN = nonhypervascular hepatobiliary hypointense nodules