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. 2020 Mar 19;3(3):e201255. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.1255

Table 1. Patient, Treatment, and Disease Characteristics.

Characteristic Patients, No. (%)a
Overall (N = 72 036) Definitive therapy (n = 66 784) Nondefinitive Therapy (n = 5252)
Systemic only (n = 2272) No treatment (n = 2980)
Age, y
≤60 26 404 (100) 24 606 (93.2) 705 (2.7) 1093 (4.1)
61-65 22 010 (100) 20 393 (92.7) 690 (3.1) 927 (4.2)
66-70 23 622 (100) 21 785 (92.2) 877 (3.7) 960 (4.1)
White, non-Hispanic 49 829 (100) 46 437 (93.2) 1744 (3.5) 1648 (3.3)
Black 13 601 (100) 11 863 (87.2) 861 (6.3) 877 (6.4)
Hispanic/Spanish 3113 (100) 2759 (88.6) 159 (5.1) 195 (6.3)
Asian 1316 (100) 1200 (91.2) 51 (3.9) 65 (4.9)
Other or unknown 4212 (100) 3863 (91.7) 154 (3.7) 195 (4.6)
Insurance status
Not insured 2077 (100) 1627 (78.3) 210 (10.1) 240 (11.6)
Private insurance or managed care 38 422 (100) 35 809 (93.2) 1257 (3.3) 1356 (3.5)
Medicaid 2694 (100) 2209 (82.0) 267 (9.9) 218 (8.1)
Medicare 25 844 (100) 23 667 (91.6) 1129 (4.4) 1048 (4.1)
Other government 2027 (100) 1952 (96.3) 42 (2.1) 33 (1.6)
Unknown 1007 (100) 858 (85.2) 64 (6.4) 85 (8.4)
Income level, $b
<38 000 13 280 (100) 11 789 (88.8) 759 (5.7) 732 (5.5)
38 000-47 999 16 794 (100) 15 319 (91.2) 758 (4.5) 717 (4.3)
48 000-62 999 18 757 (100) 17 367 (92.6) 695 (3.7) 695 (3.7)
≥63 000 22 751 (100) 21 225 (93.3) 722 (3.2) 804 (3.5)
Not available 489 (100) 422 (86.3) 35 (7.2) 32 (6.5)
Population without high school degree, %
>21 12 198 (100) 10 799 (88.5) 711 (5.8) 688 (5.6)
13-20.9 18 549 (100) 16 910 (91.2) 795 (4.3) 844 (4.6)
7.0-12.9 22 984 (100) 21 374 (93.0) 849 (3.7) 761 (3.3)
<7.0 17 885 (100) 16 654 (93.1) 584 (3.3) 658 (3.8)
Not available 444 (100) 385 (86.7) 30 (6.8) 29 (6.5)
Facility type
Community cancer program 5921 (100) 5238 (88.5) 312 (5.3) 371 (6.3)
Comprehensive community cancer program 30 809 (100) 29 012 (94.2) 919 (3.0) 878 (2.8)
Academic or research program 27 959 (100) 25 042 (89.6) 1460 (5.2) 1457 (5.2)
Integrated network cancer program 7351 (100) 6804 (92.6) 276 (3.8) 271 (3.7)
Other or unknown 31 (100) 26 (83.9) 2 (6.5) 3 (9.7)
Urban/rural groupc
Metropolitan 57 667 (100) 52 872 (91.7) 2358 (4.1) 2437 (4.2)
Urban 10 997 (100) 10 136 (92.2) 458 (4.2) 403 (3.7)
Rural 1581 (100) 1456 (92.1) 72 (4.6) 53 (3.4)
Other or unknown 1826 (100) 1658 (90.8) 81 (4.4) 87 (4.8)
Great circle distance, miles
≤4.9 17 366 (100) 15 631 (90.0) 836 (4.8) 899 (5.2)
5.0-11.4 17 662 (100) 16 213 (91.8) 671 (3.8) 778 (4.4)
11.5-27.9 18 317 (100) 16 947 (92.5) 690 (3.8) 680 (3.7)
≥28.0 18 181 (100) 16 852 (92.7) 741 (4.1) 588 (3.2)
Other or unknown 545 (100) 479 (87.9) 31 (5.7) 35 (6.4)
Definitive therapy
Radical prostatectomy 39 695 (55.1) 39 695 (59.4) NA NA
EBRT 19 496 (27.1) 19 496 (29.2) NA NA
Brachytherapy based 7593 (10.5) 7593 (11.3) NA NA
Systemic therapy
Hormone therapy 2260 (3.1) NA 2260 (99.5) NA
Chemotherapy 12 (<0.1) NA 12 (0.5) NA
No treatment
Active surveillance 473 (0.7) NA NA 473 (15.9)
No therapy administered 2507 (3.5) NA NA 2507 (84.1)
Charlson Comorbidity Index score
0 60 434 (100) 55 977 (92.6) 1845 (3.1) 2612 (4.3)
1 10 146 (100) 9484 (93.5) 343 (3.4) 319 (3.1)
2 1456 (100) 1323 (90.9) 84 (5.8) 49 (3.4)
Clinical T stage
1 36 807 (100) 33 494 (91.0) 1196 (3.2) 2117 (5.8)
2 20 324 (100) 18 779 (92.4) 924 (4.5) 621 (3.1)
3 13 928 (100) 13 070 (93.8) 672 (4.8) 186 (1.3)
4 866 (100) 636 (73.4) 174 (20.1) 56 (6.5)
Unknown 146 (100) 143 (97.9) 3 (2.1) 0
Gleason Score
6 4416 (100) 3734 (84.6) 83 (1.9) 599 (13.6)
7 8883 (100) 8238 (92.7) 308 (3.5) 337 (3.8)
8 18 888 (100) 17 952 (95.0) 540 (2.9) 396 (2.1)
9 11 415 (100) 10 646 (93.3) 545 (4.8) 224 (2.0)
10 789 (100) 681 (86.3) 81 (10.3) 27 (3.4)
Other or unknown 27 680 (100) 24 871 (89.9) 1412 (5.1) 1397 (5.0)

Abbreviations: EBRT, external beam radiotherapy; NA, not applicable.


Data represent number of patients and corresponding row percentages (%) except for treatment characteristics in which column percentages are shown.


Median household income for patient’s area of residence.


Data estimated by population of patient’s county using data from 2013 published by United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. Metropolitan represents counties in metropolitan areas with a population range of fewer than 250 000 to greater than 1 million; urban represents populations of 2500 to greater than 20 000, either adjacent or not adjacent to a metropolitan area; rural represents completely rural populations or areas with less than 2500 residents.