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. 2020 Mar 19;20:232. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05090-z

Table 2.

Results care delivery process analysis

Treatment Process Phase Potential improvement intervention Impact on outcome
SAVR Monitoring and preventing Identify high-risk patients by measuring a Frailty Score Mortality, Quality of Life
Organize a specific pre-operative screening for older patients None*
Diagnosing Introduce a frailty protocol Quality of Life, mortality
Discuss older patients in a multidisciplinary team Quality of Life, Mortality
Introduce a checklist for uniform imaging Quality of Life, Mortality
Screen abdominal vascular disease Mortality
Screen for long-vein narrowing Mortality
Preparing Adjust the anticoagulation protocol Mortality
Intervening Standardize with a protocol for the blood or crystalloid cardioplegia Mortality
Use of MECCa and improve experience of the operation team Mortality
Implant the long-term pacemaker as fast as possible after operation Mortality
Recovery/Rehab Conduct an echocardiography only with indication Quality of Life
Improve nightly supervision at the ICUb (cultural change) Mortality, valve re-intervention
Offer every patient heart rehabilitation program Quality of Life
Raise more attention to diet of the patient, practice spirometry Quality of Life
Introduce a checklist for the exit consult Re-intervention
Monitoring/ Managing Adjust the medication protocol Quality of Life
TAVR Monitoring and preventing Optimize Frailty identification None*
Introduce home monitoring system for measuring blood pressure (E-Health) Quality of Life
Diagnosis Introduce more frequent TAVR team meetings to discuss patients Mortality, Quality of Life
Improve hospital logistics (with the support of the Lean method) Mortality, Quality of Life
Assure that an echo is always available before diagnosis Complications
More frequent TAVR Team meetings to discuss patients Mortality
Digitalize the treatment plan Mortality
Involve an anesthetist in the TAVR Team meetings Mortality
Introduce a diagnosis checklist for treatment choices None*
Preparing Conduct pre-operative check-up and CT-scan on the same day Waiting-times
Introduce a checklist for the check-up Mortality
Involve an anesthetist much more this phase Complications
More local anesthesia Mortality
More procedures in one day or another day for TAVI procedure to shorten the waiting times None*
Intervening Introduce the presence of a surgeon, cardiologist and anesthetist during the procedure Complications
Use ACIST Pumpc (control of injection rate) None*
Only use the new generation of valves (replaceable valves) Mortality
Use of a debris catch device Stroke
Recovery/Rehab Introduce clinical pathway Quality of Life
Ensure removal of the pacemaker the following day and directly implant the long-term pacemaker if needed Infections
Apply telemetry monitoring for full period until dismissal None*
Monitoring/Managing Define targets for medication Re-intervention

*The proposed potential improvement intervention is not expected to have considerable impact on one of the patient-relevant outcome measures, but process or structure measures

aMECC is minimal extracorporeal circulation

bICU is intensive care unit

cACIST Pump simplifies contract injection for procedures