Figure 1.
Activation of PVH-OT neurons facilitates social behavior and promotes social orienting. A–C, Diagram of experimental design. D, E, Representative activity heat maps from PVHOT::Gq-DREADD mice injected with either (D) CNO or (E) saline. F, PVHOT::Gq-DREADD mice administered either CNO or saline displayed a preference for social stimulus investigation. However, chemogenetic activation of PVH-OT neurons increased time spent investigating the social stimulus (n = 6). G, H, Representative activity heat maps from PVHOT::Gi-DREADD mice injected with either (G) CNO or (H) saline. I, Gi-DREADD mediated inhibition of PVH-OT neurons impairs preferences for social stimulus investigation and attenuates the total duration of time spent investigating a social stimulus (n = 7/group). J, K, Representative activity heat maps from Cre-negative mice injected with either (J) CNO or (K) saline. L, For Cre-negative littermates, CNO did not alter time spent in the social or nonsocial zone when compared with saline controls (n = 7). *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.005, ****p ≤ 0.00005.