The proliferation of ependymal cells in response to SCI is reduced by connexin blockade. A, Experimental design to evaluate the role of connexin signaling in the reaction of ependymal cells to SCI. B, Numerous nuclei within the ependyma are labeled with EdU at 5 DPI when vehicle (B1) or the scrambled version of Gap26 (B2, Gap26Scr 10 mm) was applied. However, the number of EdU+ nuclei was lower when Pluronic F127 hydrogel containing the connexin blocker Gap26 (B3, 10 mm) filled the lesion site. C, Bar graph represents that the number of EdU+ nuclei at 5 DPI was not significantly different between Pluronic F127-containing saline (vehicle) or scrambled Gap26 (Gap26S, 10 mm) but decreased significantly when the hydrogel contained 10 mm Gap26 (p < 0.05). The images represent stacks of 51 optical sections. All data were obtained in adult C57BL/6J mice. *p < 0.05, ns = non significant.