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. 2019 Dec 20;53:e20170498. doi: 10.1590/0037-8682-0498-2017

TABLE 2: Comparisons of demographic and epidemiological data between hospitalized patients with influenza (N=46) and other CRV infections (N=398), 2012-2013.

Influenza Other CRVs Unadjusted analysis Adjusted analysis
Number positive/total Number positive/total p value p value OR CI 95%
(%) (%)
Virus co-infection 8/46 (17.4) 116/398 (29) 0.115a - - -
Male 25/46 (54) 204/398 (51) 0.89a - - -
Age, years <0.0 b - -
<2 16/46 (35) 290/398 (73) - - - -
2 to 5 6/46 (13) 35/398 (9) - - - -
5 to 14 3/46 (7) 22/398 (6) - - - -
14 to 60 17/46 (37) 39/398 (9) - - - -
>60 4/46 (8) 12/398 (3) - - - -
Median age (IQR 25-75) 5.4 (0.6-42) 0.7 (0.2-2.3) <0.01 c 0.003 1.022 1.007-1.037
Nosocomial Infection 2/46 (4) 51/398 (13) 0.145b - - -
Time of hospitalization, days
Median, (IQR 25-75) 8.5 (6-13.2) 7 (4-16) 0.18c - - -
Influenza Vaccine (<1 year) 12/46 (26) - NA - - -
Use of oseltamivir 16/46 (35) - NA - - -
Clinical findings
Fever 43 (93) 311 (78) <0.01b 0.42 - -
Cough 46 (100) 353 (89) 0.08b 0.46 - -
Dyspnea 43 (93) 347 (87) 0.33b - - -
Myalgia 11 (24) 14 (4) <0.01 b <0.01 5.582 2.187-13.898
None 26 (56) 266 (66) 0.21a - - -
Immunosuppression 10/26 (38) 62/132 (47) 0.35a - - -
Chronic lung disease 11/26 (42) 53/132 (40) 0.07a - - -
Radiographic findings
Missing value 13 (28) 188 (47) - - - -
Normal 2/33 (6) 37/210 (17) 0.12b - - -
Interstitial infiltrate 12/33 (36) 68/210 (32) 0.69b - - -
Pulmonary consolidation 9/33 (25) 57/210 (27) 1.00b - - -
Mixed pattern 9/33 (25) 12/210 (5) 0.04 b 0.81 - -
Mechanical ventilation 13 (28) 82 (21) 0.31a - - -
ICU stay 18 (39) 129(32) 0.45a - - -
Died 4 (9) 22 (6) 0.33b - - -
Diagnosis of SARI 41 (89) 298 (75) 0.04 a 0.05 - -

In bold: statistically significant; CRV: community-acquired respiratory virus; IQR: interquartile range; ICU: intensive care unit; ARD: acute respiratory distress; NA: not applicable; OR: odds ratio. aChi-squared test. bFisher’s exact test. cMann-Whitney U test.