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. 2019 Dec 11;16(2):e12904. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12904
Message Date/time
Automated message: You are doing great! Please text me if you need any help. 8/21/15 12:00
Mom: Thank you! He is doing good. He latched yesterday for like 30 minutes and sleep for 3 hours straight. 8/21/15 13:12
PC: Great! Feed on demand and make sure he does not go to sleep over 3 hours wake him up. 8/21/15 13:16
PC: We want him to eat often so he gains back his birth weight and more. 8/21/15 13:17
Mom: And he's pooping every time he eats now, it's yellow 8/21/15 13:18
PC: Great, how many times in the last 24 hours? 8/21/15 13:30
Mom: 6 8/21/15 13:31
PC: Poop is yellow and seedy? 8/21/15 13:31
Mom: Yes 8/21/15 13:34
PC: Great! How about pees? How many? 8/21/15 13:45
Mom: Every time I change a dirty diaper it's pee too, plus I changed 3 just pee. 8/21/15 14:02
PC: Great! The more he pee [sic] and poop it means he is eating enough 8/21/15 14:04
PC: Around this age we want to see 4 pees or more and 3 poops or more in 24 hours so that means he is doing excellent. 8/21/15 14:05
PC: Remember I am here if you have questions 8/21/15 14:12
Mom: Thank you so much for your help! 8/21/15 14:20
PC: You're welcome! 8/21/15 14:47
—Multiparous participant with previous breastfeeding experience that was not positive, whose milk came in three days postpartum and who was exclusively breastfeeding at two weeks.