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. 2019 Nov 27;16(2):e12903. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12903

Table 1.

Sociodemographic characteristics of study participants.

Characteristic N


n (%)

Women (n=134)

n (%)

Men (n=90)

n (%)

p §
Age, years 226
19‐29 55 (24%) 27 (21%) 28 (31%) 0.331
30‐44 74 (33%) 44 (33%) 28 (31%)
45‐64 66 (29%) 41 (31%) 23 (26%)
≥65 31 (14%) 20 (15%) 11 (12%)
Marital Status 227
Married or common‐law 148 (65%) 92 (69%) 55 (61%) 0.291
Single 52 (23%) 25 (19%) 26 (29%)
Separated or divorced 16 (7%) 8 (6%) 6 (7%)
Widow 11 (5%) 8 (6%) 3 (3%)
Annual household income before tax, CAD$ 213
<$20,000 44 (20%) 23 (19%) 18 (21%) 0.291
$20,000‐$49,999 46 (22%) 22 (18%) 24 (28%)
$50,000 ‐ $99,999 70 (33%) 44 (36%) 25 (29%)
≥$100,000 53 (25%) 34 (27%) 19 (22%)
Self‐identified racial or cultural group 225
White 164 (73%) 96 (73%) 63 (70%) 0.640
Black 34 (15%) 21 (16%) 13 (15%)
Chinese 6 (3%) 1 (1%) 5 (6%)
Metis 6 (3%) 3 (2%) 3 (3%)
First Nations 5 (2%) 3 (2%) 2 (2%)
Arab 4 (2%) 2 (2%) 2 (2%)
South Asian 3 (1%) 2 (2%) 1 (1%)
Other 3 (1%) 2 (2%) 1 (1%)
Born in Canada (Yes) 227 175 (77%) 106 (79%) 65 (73%) 0.294
Education 225
Some high school 15 (7%) 8 (6%) 7 (8%) 0.714
High school diploma 35 (15%) 21 (16%) 14 (16%)
Some college or university 51 (23%) 26 (20%) 22 (25%)
College diploma 44 (20%) 26 (20%) 18 (20%)
Undergraduate degree 41 (18%) 24 (18%) 16 (18%)
Some or completed post graduate 39 (17%) 27 (20%) 11 (13%)
Employment 227
Student 27 (12%) 13 (10%) 14 (16%) 0.012
Unemployed 29 (13%) 15 (11%) 11 (13%)
Employed part time 20 (9%) 18 (13%) 2 (2%)
Employed full time 111 (49%) 60 (45%) 50 (56%)
Retired 40 (17%) 28 (21%) 11 (13%)
Parent (Yes) 228 158 (69%) 100 (75%) 55 (62%) 0.042
Their child was breastfed (Yes) 158 107 (69%) 73 (73%) 34 (63%) 0.197
Child born ≥ 2012 158 51 (22%) 35 (26%) 15 (17%) 0.096
Participant was breastfed themselves as an infant 227
Yes 108 (48%) 57 (43%) 49 (55%) <0.001
No 84 (37%) 64 (48%) 18 (20%)
Do not know 35 (15%) 12 (9%) 22 (25%)

N differs due to participants skipping some questions.

Total number of participants includes n=5 participants who were not categorized here as a man or woman: transfeminine (n =1), gender fluid (n =1), prefer not to say (n =2), and question skipped (n =1).


x 2 test, by gender, p<0.05.

Other racial or cultural groups include Korean (n=1), Portuguese (n =1), Pacific Asian (n =1).