Figure 1.
Genotyping and sequencing of the rs9313422 G>C polymorphism of the TIM‐1 gene. Note: A, Genotyping of TIM‐1 rs9313422 G>C polymorphism by PCR‐RFLP; lane 1, 50‐1000bp DNA marker; lane 2, CC genotype (a 879bp fragment); lane 3, GG genotype (two fragments: 391bp and 488bp); lane 4, GC genotype (three fragments: 391bp, 488bp, and 879bp); B‐D, DNA sequencing of TIM‐1 rs9313422 G>C polymorphism, with GG genotype having only one G peak (B), GC genotype having two peaks (G peak and C peak) (C), and CC genotype having only one C peak (D)