Varying the parameters of a pulse train stimulus affected a hair bundle's oscillation frequency, amplitude, and open probability. A–C, Increasing the “on” time from 0.5 ms up to 50 ms led to a decrease in both the oscillation amplitude and the open probability. Averaging the behavior of both types of bundles seen in Figure 7 produces a peak in the oscillation frequency with a softened falloff. D–F, Decreasing the “off” time from 40 to 1 ms led to an increase in the oscillation frequency. Similarly, the oscillation amplitude declined, whereas the open probability was fairly unaffected. G–I, Predictably, increasing the amplitude of the pulse train raised the oscillation frequency and reduced the oscillation amplitude. However, the open probability remained relatively constant. A–C are the results of averaging the data from 10 bundles (2 sacculi). Similarly, D–F were derived with data from 7 bundles (2 sacculi) and 9 bundles (2 sacculi) for G–I. Error bars were computed from the SDs of the measurements of individual hair bundles.