A) Transposon libraries were generated in the
WT and the ∆
tipN mutant (MB556). The region of the
rcdA locus is depicted. (
B) Transposon libraries were generated in the
WT and the ∆
cpdR mutant (MB2001). The
tipN coding sequence is represented showing a decrease in Tn insertions in the ∆
cpdR compared to the
WT. In panels A and B, the numbers on the X-axis represent the nucleotide coordinates of the
C. crescentus reference genome and the Y-axis indicates the corresponding relative value in sequencing reads. (
C) Spot dilutions (EOP assays) of the indicated strains (MB1 [
WT], MB556 [∆
tipN], MB48 [∆
cpdR], and MB3079 [∆
tipN; ∆
cpdR] from top to bottom) carried out as described for
Figure 1C. (
D) Spot dilutions of the indicated strains (MB1 [
WT], MB556 [∆
tipN], MB46 [∆
popA], and [∆
tipN; ∆
popA] MB3075 from top to bottom) done as described in
Figure 1 panel (C). (
E) Cell size distribution of
WT (MB1) (n = 732), ∆
popA (MB46) (n = 761), ∆
cpdR (MB2001) (n = 645), ∆
rcdA (MB48) (n = 741), ∆
tipN (MB556) (n = 477), ∆
tipN; ∆
cpdR (MB2017) (n = 357), ∆
tipN; ∆
rcdA (MB3079) (n = 497) and ∆
tipN; ∆
popA (MB3075) (n = 449). Strains were grown in PYE media. The cell length was measured automatically using MicrobeJ. (
F) Flow cytometry profiles and phase contrast images of WT (MB1), ∆
popA (MB46), ∆
rcdA (MB48), and ∆
tipN; ∆
popA (MB3075) or ∆
tipN; ∆
rcdA (MB3079) double mutants. Genome content was analyzed by FACS during exponential growth in PYE.