Table 2.
List of AUC Scores Obtained by Various Methods via the Leave-One-Gene-Out Cross-Validation on the Same Benchmark Dataset S (cf. Equation 3)
AUC means the area under the ROC curve;56,57 the better predictor corresponds to larger AUC values.
Results obtained by in-house implementation from Doench et al.37
Results obtained by in-house implementation from Kaur et al.36
Results obtained by in-house implementation from Rahman and Rahman.38
For the proposed predictor in this article, see Equations 9 and 10 with k = 5, m = 2, = 3, R = 0.1, F = 800.
For the proposed predictor in this article, see Equations 10 and 11 with k = 5, m = 2, = 3, R = 0.1, F = 800.