Figure 1.
Dose-dependent Cd accumulation in A. biplicata upon Cd exposure through 4 days. (A) Whisker box plots showing Cd soft-tissue concentrations in µg/g d.w. of controls (n = 4) and Cd-treated snails (n = 5 each) from the lowest to the highest value of each treatment group. The respective box extends from the 25th to the 75th percentile, with the square line showing the median. Asterisks (*) indicate significance (p < 0.05) compared to control value. (B) Bar graph showing the bioaccumulation factor (BAF) of respective treatment groups, reflecting the metal accumulation in soft tissues of treated snails, referred to controls (BAF = 1). (C) Bar graph representing the bioconcentration factor (BCF; for calculation see Material and Methods) for all Cd exposure groups. The measured Cd concentrations of snail cookies of each treatment group were as follows: Cd1 = 38; Cd10 = 355.3; Cd25 = 804.5; Cd100 = 2692.6; Cd200 = 6396.1 µg/g d.w.