Figure A10.
Concept map parents, group 4. In this map, each point reflects one idea. Ideas grouped together more often appear closer to each other on the map. Ideas never/rarely grouped together appear widely separated on the map. A circle means that a new cluster is created by the researchers; Cluster 2 is a combination of two identified clusters. Clusters are groups of ideas that were grouped together most often and reflect ideas that were related conceptually according to the participants in this group. The defined cluster names in this concept map were: Cluster 1: Sleep environment; Cluster 2: Mental distress, stressful family situation, worries, and fear; Cluster 3: Family environment and sleep habits; Cluster 4: Energy, diet, physical activity, and routines; Cluster 5: Screen behaviour and bedtime routine; Cluster 6: Physical well-being. Arrows indicate an idea is reallocated by researchers; idea 51 ‘Having a jetlag’ was moved from Cluster 5 to Cluster 4.