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. 2020 Feb 26;17(5):1501. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17051501

Table 3.

Summary of measurement scales constructs (in the table, short video refers to health-related short videos).

Construct Item Source
Social Interaction SI1: Short video ads provide me the opportunity to have lively, interesting, and engaging interaction with others Animesh et al.(2011) [41]; Fan et al.(2017) [19]
SI2: In general, I think that short video ads strongly facilitate social interactions
SI3: Overall, I am very satisfied with the social aspects of short video ads
Intrusiveness IR1: Short video ads are an insult to one’s intelligence Chowdhury et al. (2010) [42]; Pintado et al. (2017) [15]
IR2: Short video ads are bothersome
IR3: Short video ads are disappointing
IR4: Short video ads are irritating
Informativeness IN1: Short video ads are a good source of information on products Chowdhury et al. (2010) [42]; Pintado et al. (2017) [15]
IN2: Short video ads offer opportune information on products
IN3: Short video ads are a good source of updated information
Relevance RE1: The presentation style of short video ads is my favorite one Wang et al. (2013) [43];
Fan et al. (2017) [19]
RE2: The theme of advertising is very close to my interest
RE3: The function of advertising fits well with my needs
Perceived Usefulness PU1: Short video ads would enable me to purchase favorite products Ducoffe (1996) [8]; Lin & Kim (2016) [2]
PU2: Short video ads would enable me to broaden my understanding of the product or service
PU3: Short video ads provide valuable information for products
Perceived Ease of Use PE1: Learning how to participate in short video ads would be easy for me (viewing, clicking and commenting) Ducoffe (1996) [8]; Lin & Kim (2016) [2]
PE2: Participating in short video ads takes less time and effort
PE3: Short video ads can link products directly
Ad Attitude AT1: I like the sponsored advertisement section in short video Taylor et al. (2011) [10];
Lin & Kim (2016) [2]
AT2: I like pictures uploaded by ad sponsors on short videos
AT3: I’ll be positive about short video ads
AT4: I like the style of short video ads
Purchase Intention PI1: I will buy miscellaneous products shown on short video ads Lin & Kim (2016) [2]
PI2: I intend to purchase products shown on short video ads
PI3: I will recommend products shown on short videos to others