Confocal analysis of H4K20me3 (green), and nucleoli immunofluorescence through nucleophosmin antibody (B23, blue) and nucleic acids through SYTOX (red). Neurons from a senile subject present in CA1 (A) and CA3 (I) scarce positive green marks, and well-delimited nucleoli (B,J), and the epigenetic H4K20me3 marks localized in the nucleolar chromatin (C,D,K,L). A marked increase of nuclear speckles and spots around the nucleoli and adjacent to the nuclear lamina is observed at AD (I-II) (E,M) and B23 immunofluorescence is not limited to the nucleoli but also dispersed in the cytoplasm (F,N,H,P), and H4K20me3 marks are not only in the nucleolar chromatin (G,O) but also adjacent to the nuclear lamina (H,P). H4K20me3 immunostaining. Distribution of H4K20me3 immunopositivity around the nucleolus (NADs) and adjacent to the nuclear lamina (LADs) (Q). Intensely marked nuclei at AD I-II stages (R) and AD II-IV stages (S) and null to slight positivity at late AD stages (T,L), scale bar—10 µm.