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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Mar 21.
Published in final edited form as: Sex Health. 2019 Nov;16(6):527–538. doi: 10.1071/SH18172

Table 3.

Studies using survey-based methods for estimating the number of men who have sex with men

Author, year Country/State/City Calculation Source of data, years Percent of MSM Number of MSM Sampling method Characterization of study population
Archibald et al., 2001 (11) Canada/Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver Proportion of population reporting MSMa behavior in past year * male population over 15 1994 and 1997 CHMb survey Not reported Toronto=18,800, Montreal=18,500, Vancouver=7,000; Population reporting MSM behavior in the past year/lifetime Having had oral or anal intercourse with another man in the past year/lifetime
Purcell et al., 2012 (3) United States Applied the proportion of men reporting same-sex behavior in the past 5 years from literature search to United States census data 4 surveys, United States census data 3.9% of men engaged in same-sex behavior in past 5 years 4,791,262 MSM 13 and older in 2008 Probability samples, stratified cluster sample of US households Men who reported same-sex behaviors or partners
Livak et al., 2013 (14) United States/Illinois/Chicago 4.2% * young Black males in the South side of Chicago NSFGc 2006–2010, 2010 US Census 4.2% 2,286 nationally representative multi-stage area probability sample survey from US households Men who have had male–male sexual contact
Harris et al., 2013 (17) United States Percent from NHANESd * adult male population NHANES 1999–2008 4.7% 3,555,568 civilian general household population Men who ever had sex with a man
Hughes et al., 2017 (18) United States/California/San Francisco Means of the proportions of MSM by race were calculated from NHBSe 2004 and 2008/total adult male pop in San Francisco in 2006 NHBS; United States census 19.0% of adult males were MSM; 23.0% of all black adult males and 21.0% of all white males 58,605 in 2014, 14,452 were HIVf positive and 44,154 were HIV negative; 32,705 were white and 4,419 were black MSM in 2014 Data on MSM in San Francisco through standardized behavioral surveys Not listed
Madeddu et al., 2006 (19) Australia/Sydney Applied percentage of same-sex attraction, experience, or identity from ASHRg for each postal code to the number of male residents of a similar age in those same postcode areas 2000/2001 Sydney Gay Community Periodic Survey, ASHR 2003, and Australian Household Census 2001 The proportion of men who identified as homosexual or bisexual ranged from 4.4% to 48.1%; 9.8% to 51.5% of men reported same-sex experiences during their lifetime; and 12.9% to 52.8% of men had ever experienced feelings of same-sex attraction Selected inner east: identity-9,269, experience-12,979, attraction-13,508. Selected inner west: identity-3,464, experience-4,797, attraction-5,573 national representative population-based survey, participants were selected at random from the general population to participate in a telephone survey Male participants who reported lifetime experience of sex with men, feelings of same-sex attraction during their lifetime, and/or a current homosexual or bisexual identity
Marcus et al., 2009 (20) Germany Based on the proportional regional distribution of survey participants and user profiles, assuming a total population size of 600,000 KABaSTIh-study 2006 and GMAi-2007-survey 2.6% Not reported Both were behavioural surveys among MSM, participants were recruited online (and offline too for GMA) Male participants in the age group 20–50 years who reported sexual contacts with men in the previous 12 months
Mor et al., 2016 (21) Israel Projected the rates of study participants who reported sexual behavior, which included MSM, by the relevant Israeli population using the 2012 Statistical Abstract of Israel Anonymous electronic questionnaire, Statistical Abstract of Israel 11.9% reported lifetime male sex encounters, 4.5% self-identified as gay and 3.7% as bisexual 94,176 in Israel and 33,839 in Tel-Aviv gay/bisexual Random sample from representative sample of Jewish males aged 18–44 years who completed an anonymous electronic questionnaire Same-sex sexual attraction; oral or anal intercourse with another man; self-identification
Okal et al., 2013 (22) Kenya/Nairobi Men 18 plus * estimate of prevalence in population from Caceres 2008 Caceres et al., 2008 and 2009 Nairobi census 1.2% 13,608 MSM Had oral or anal sex with man
Oster et al., 2015 (23) United States Weighted prevalence estimate from NHANES by the population estimate 1999–2010 NHANES, Vintage 2011 file from the United States Census Bureau 4.7% of men had ever had male-male sex and 2.2% of men had male-male sex in the past 12 months 5,933,000 ever; 3,156,000 in past 12 months Nationally representative sample of the civilian, noninstitutionalized population Among men, having had oral or anal sex with another man during the past 12 months/ever
Prestage et al., 2008 (24) Australia Percentage of male participants in ASHR who reported a current homosexual or bisexual identity were applied to the number of adult male residents in the respective states from 2001 Australian Household Census ASHR, 2001 Australian Household Census 2.5% overall; 3.0% in New South Wales; 2.3% in Victoria; 2.7% in Queensland 182,624 total; 74,420 in New South Wales; 41,990 in Victoria; 36,935 in Queensland National representative population based survey, computer-assisted telephone interviews Male participants in ASHR who reported a current homosexual or bisexual identity
Rich et al., 2018 (25) Canada/Vancouver Calculated median estimate for Vancouver urban core from 2 survey cycles CCHSj 2011–2012 and 2013–2014 (median) 3.3% (median) 30,605 National population-based cross-sectional survey, interviewer-administered telephone surveys Number of self-identified homosexual, gay, or bisexual men aged 18–59 years
Ruf et al., 2011 (26) United Kingdom/London Estimated inner London MSM proportion from NATSALk * 2008 inner London male population British NATSAL 2000 and Greater London Authority population estimates 2008 5.5% 98,330 MSM aged 16–44 were living in Greater London in 2008 Probability sample survey of men and women using computer-assisted interviews Partners of the same gender with whom the respondent had any form of genital contact
Shields et al., 2013 (27) United States/California/San Francisco (Unweighted count/population estimate)*100 2011 YRBSl 3.8% middle school students identify as LGBm; 1.7% as gay and lesbian and 2.1% as bisexual Not reported Stratified random sample of youth “Which of the following best describes you?” “heterosexual (straight); gay or lesbian; bisexual; and not sure”
Veierod et al., 1997 (28) Norway Estimated proportion of subjects with homosexual experience from 2 postal surveys of general population (Lifetime or current prevalence/number of respondents) *100 Surveys sent by mail in 1987 and 1992 3.8% reported homosexual practice during lifetime and 1.2% during the past 3 years 188 lifetime; 57 past 3 years Simple random samples drawn from the Central Population Registry, postal questionnaires sent Had any form of sexual interaction with a person of the same gender as yourself ever/in past 3 years
Esie et al., 2018 (35) United States Answers to questions and total population surveyed NHANES 1999–2014 Estimated prevalence of MSM-ever was 5.5% Not reported Cross-sectional surveys of the noninstitutionalized US population Ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal
Geary et al., 2018 (36) Britain Estimates from NATSAL3 were applied to ONSn 2011 census population estimates NATSAL 3, ONS 1.5% of 16–74 year old men self-identified as gay; 6.5% of men reported any same-sex sexual attraction; 5.5% of men reported same-sex sex ever Not reported Multistage clustered, stratified probability sample of residents in a private household in Britain were interviewed I have felt sexually attracted to…; I have had some sexual experience…; Have you ever had any kind of sexual experience or sexual contact with a man?; Have you had sex with a man involving genital area/penis contact?
Zablotska et al., 2018 (37) Australia Number of men aged 16–69 years in Australia in mid-2015 * proportion of Australian men aged 16–69 years old who identified as gay * proportion who had at least one male sex partner in the 12 months before the survey Australian Bureau of Statistics, ASHR 2 Not reported 127,947 of sexually active 16–69 year-old gay men National representative survey Australian men aged 16–69 years old who identified as gay and had at least one male sex partner in the 12 months before the survey



MSM-Men who have sex with men


CHM-Canada Health Monitor


NSFG-National Survey of Family Growth


NHANES-National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey


NHBS-National HIV Behavioral Surveillance


HIV-Human immunodeficiency virus


ASHR-Australian Study of Health and Relationships


KABaSTI-Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour as to Sexually Transmitted Infections


GMA-Gay Men and AIDS survey


CCHS-Canadian Community Health Survey


NATSAL-National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles


>YRBS-Youth Risk Behavior Survey


LBG-Lesbian, gay, or bisexual


ONS-Office of National Statistics