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. 2020 Feb 6;12(1):e12008. doi: 10.1002/dad2.12008

Table 2.

Functional annotation of 32 SNPs in the APOE region

ID SNP ID LD cluster Function Regulatory feature Gene Active Poised Score M0&M1 macrophage CD14+ monocytes NHA NHLF Selected eQTL
1 rs7026 3'UTR PFR BCAM 6 2 5 NECTIN2
2 rs1871045 Downstream BCAM 4 NECTIN2
3 rs11668536 Downstream BCAM NECTIN2
4 rs10402271 ε4 Downstream BCAM 5 NECTIN2
5 rs4803760 ε2 Intergenic 6 BCAM
6 rs1871046 Intron Promoter, TFBS NECTIN2 46 20 2a No
7 rs4803763 Intron NECTIN2 5 NECTIN2
8 rs440277 ε4 Intron PFR NECTIN2 5 1 1f Yesa Yesa Yes NECTIN2, FOSB
9 rs3852856 Intron NECTIN2 NECTIN2
10 rs377702 Intron NECTIN2 2b NECTIN2, FOSB, CLASRP
11 rs8105340 Intron NECTIN2 6 NECTIN2
12 rs12610605 ε4 Intron NECTIN2 5
13 rs4803766 Intron NECTIN2 5 NECTIN2
14 rs17561351 Intron PFR NECTIN2 5 1 1b NECTIN2a
15 rs8104483 Intron PFR NECTIN2 5 1 1b NECTIN2a
16 rs4081918 ε4 Intron PFR NECTIN2 5 1 1f Yesa Yesa Yes NECTIN2a
17 rs519113 ε2 Intron NECTIN2 1f BCAM, NECTIN2a
18 rs2075642 Intron NECTIN2 5 NECTIN2
19 rs387976 ε2 Intron OCR NECTIN2 1 1 5 Yes NECTIN2
20 rs11667640 ε4 Intron NECTIN2 4 NECTIN2
21 rs6859 ε4 3'UTR NECTIN2 4 NECTIN2
22 rs11673139 ε4 Intron NECTIN2 4 NECTIN2, MARK4
23 rs283813 ε2 Intron NECTIN2 5 No
24 rs157580 ε4 Intron Promoter TOMM40 63 5 1f Yesa Yesa Yes APOE, APOC1, DMPK
25 rs2075650 Intron TOMM40 1f No
26 rs8106922 ε2, ε4 Intron TOMM40 5 DMPKa
27 rs405509 ε2, ε4 Upstream Promoter APOE 1f APOE
28 rs440446 ε2, ε4 Missense intron Promoter APOE 18 32 4 Yesa Yes Yes Yes APOE, APOC1
29 rs429358 Missense Coding region, exon 4 5 No
30 rs7412 Missense Coding region, exon 4 4 APOE
31 rs439401 ε2, ε4 Non coding transcript exon PFR APOE‐APOC1 13 3 1b Yesa Yesa Yesa APOE, APOC1
32 rs12721046 Intron APOC1 6 No

Linkage disequilibrium (LD) cluster indicates SNPs in LD with rs429358 and rs7412 SNPs, whose minor alleles code the APOE ε4 and ε2 alleles, respectively.

Table includes activity levels (active/poised) for 68 cell types (epigenoms).

Column “Score” shows RegulomeDB score based on the integration of multiple high‐throughput datasets with 1a being the highest score and 6 being the lowest score. Note that because RegulomeDB focuses on noncoding SNPs, missense SNPs may not have large scores.

NHA denotes epigenetic signature in normal human astrocytes cells.

NHFL denotes human lung fibroblasts.

eQTLs denote expression quantitative trait loci selected for affected protein‐coding gene in specific cell types.

OCR, open chromatin region; PFR, promoter flanking region; TF, transcription factor; TFBS, TF binding site.


Active state.