Figure 4.
Results from gPPI analyses with estradiol in girls. A) Depiction of functional connectivity to Reward cue>No reward cue between nucleus accumbens as a seed region [6 mm sphere around the coordinates x=12, y=8, z=−6 (right hemisphere); x= −12, y=8, z=−6 (left hemisphere) (Silverman et al., 2015)] and the right putamen (peak coordinates x=20, y=10, z=2; T=4.01; k=36 voxels. Voxelwise threshold p<.001, with family-wise correction p<.05 and a cluster threshold of 22 voxels. B) Scatterplot illustrating a positive association between girls’ level of estradiol (log Empirical Bayes) and gPPI eigenvariates extracted from the peak voxel of the cluster of the right putamen. gPPI = generalized psychophysiological interaction; EB = Empirical Bayes.