A 52-year-old woman with triple positive (ER, PR, and HER2+) high-grade invasive ductal carcinoma evaluated with breast MRI before and after four cycles neoadjuvant chemotherapy (a: first postcontrast subtraction, b: T2-weighted). 3D whole lesion volume of interest (VOI) was annotated using a seed-growing semiautomated segmentation technique on subtraction images (c, red lesion) with peritumoral region (c, blue lesion) automatically generated based on VOI. Tumor and peritumoral VOIs were then propagated to coregistered T2 images (c) and first-order texture features were analyzed. Lesions that demonstrated high T2 whole lesion entropy, T1 core lesion entropy, and T2 peritumoral skewness and kurtosis were more likely to exhibit pathologic complete response (pCR; accuracy = 74%). The patient demonstrated complete imaging response on post-neoadjuvant therapy imaging (e,f) and had pCR at final surgical pathology. (Reprinted and adapted with permission from Heacock et al. RSNA 2017.)