Figure 5.
Loss of β-cell identity in the islets of HF-fed Egr1-/- mice. Confocal images of co-staining for the markers of β-cell (insulin) in red with (A) α-cell (glucagon), (B) PP-cell (pancreatic polypeptide, PPY) or (C) δ-cell (somatostatin, SST) in green in the pancreas of 5-month-old male Egr1-/- and WT mice fed a HF diet for 3 months. The enlarged images highlight the representative co-localization with 5× magnification from white squares in the overlay images. The co-localization coefficient is presented as the product of the differences from the mean (PDM) image. Yellow or blue color pixels indicate co-localization or segregation, respectively. D: Quantification of the markers for β-, α-, PP-, and δ-cells in the pancreas of HF-fed Egr1-/- and WT mice. E: Pearson's coefficient (Rr) of the co-localization between insulin and other hormones in the pancreas of HF-fed Egr1-/- and WT mice. The result ranges between -1 (perfect negative correlation) to +1 (perfect positive correlation) with 0 meaning no correlation. F: Immunofluorescence staining of the transcription factors critical for β-cell identity. Images are co-stained for nuclei (blue). ***P<0.001.