Table 3.
Classification accuracy in (%) for dataset-2B in both passive and active schemes. C-1: a combination of PWKNN-PWKNN classifiers; C-2: a combination of inductive-inductive classifiers (i.e. LDA-LDA); and C-3: a combination of inductive-transductive classifiers (i.e. PWKNN-LDA).
Subjects | Single classifier |
Passive scheme |
Active scheme |
C-1 | C-2 | C-3 | C-1 | C-2 | C-3 | |
B01 | 50.31 | 70.31 | 74.06 | 51.25 | 66.56 | 75.63 |
B02 | 51.35 | 50.31 | 50.31 | 52.81 | 51.15 | 51.15 |
B03 | 48.13 | 46.88 | 51.88 | 48.13 | 50.31 | 51.88 |
B04 | 50.00 | 90.00 | 92.50 | 49.06 | 89.06 | 92.50 |
B05 | 54.38 | 80.31 | 78.13 | 55.94 | 74.38 | 72.50 |
B06 | 50.63 | 67.50 | 78.13 | 50.94 | 68.75 | 78.75 |
B07 | 55.63 | 68.75 | 68.13 | 54.06 | 70.63 | 68.75 |
B08 | 53.75 | 59.69 | 73.75 | 53.75 | 62.50 | 73.75 |
B09 | 51.88 | 66.88 | 71.25 | 51.88 | 69.06 | 71.56 |
Mean | 51.78 | 66.74 | 70.90 | 51.98 | 66.93 | 70.72 |
Std | 2.39 | 13.49 | 13.15 | 2.47 | 11.79 | 12.84 |