Fig. 2.
(a) Phylogenetic relationship between the NS1 or VP1/VP2 gene nucleotide sequences from the different MVC strains. (b) Phylogenetic relationship between the NP1 gene nucleotide sequences from the different MVC strains. (c) Phylogenetic analysis of complete genome sequences of MVC strains, including 15D009 and other bocaparvoviruses with genome sequences available. GenBank accession numbers are in parentheses; the accession number of MVC 15D009 is KT241026. The tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining algorithm, with 1000 bootstrap replicates. BHoV, bovine hokobirus; BPV, bovine parvovirus; CBoV, canine bocavirus; CMV, canine minute virus; CPV, canine parvovirus; CSlBoV, California sea lion bocavirus; FBoV, feline bocavirus; GBoV, gorilla bocavirus; HBov, human bocavirus, PARV, human parvovirus; PBoV, porcine bocavirus; PPV, porcine parvovirus