Working model of critical period for developing multimodal LCIC projection maps correlated with emerging LCIC compartmental framework and known Eph-ephrin guidance patterns. Timeline correlating simultaneous events regarding the emergence of the LCIC micro-organization, its connectivity, and the potential influence of Eph-ephrin guidance cues. This summary compares the current findings in light of recent reports from our lab. Sparse multimodal afferents likely intermingle at birth prior to a critical period of shaping from P4 to P8. During this peak period, the neurochemical modular-extramodular framework becomes readily apparent and Eph-ephrin expression is strong and mimics the emerging microarchitecture. By P12, LCIC compartments are well established, as are its segregated multimodal afferent streams. Coincident with mature projection patterns is the downregulation of certain Eph-ephrin members