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. 2011 Jun 15;2011(6):CD001250. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001250.pub2

Makuloluwe 1977.

Methods Randomised clinical trial (no details of method). No blinding of patients, care providers and outcome assessment.
Participants Enfield, UK. 
 80 patients with ankle sprains. 
 Inclusion criteria: mild or moderate ankle sprains, pain on abduction or adduction of the foot. 
 Exclusion criteria (X‐ray): ankle fractures.
Interventions Group 1: Ultrasound therapy: 1.5 W/cm², 4 minutes, 4 to 10 sessions (n = 40). Length of treatment variable, depending on recovery. 
 Group 2: Immobilisation by Elastoplast (n = 40). 
 Co‐interventions: ice packs for some patients in the ultrasound group.
Outcomes Length of follow‐up: 2 weeks
Success rate / recovery (yes/no)
Dropouts: none reported but values of percentages indicate incomplete outcome ascertainment.
Adverse reactions: not described
Notes Authors' conclusion: ultrasound is more effective than immobilisation with Elastoplast.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Not described in trial report
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Not described in trial report
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Values of percentages (success) indicate incomplete outcome ascertainment
Baseline similarity Unclear risk No baseline characteristics per intervention group
Blinding of care provider High risk Pragmatic comparison of two different types of treatment
Control for co‐interventions Unclear risk No information in trial report
Adherence to treatment Unclear risk No information in trial report
Blinding of patients High risk Pragmatic comparison of two different types of treatment
Blinding of outcome assessment High risk Assessment by patient and physician
Timing of outcome assessment Low risk Similar timing